Products > Toys > Montessori Wooden Educational Toys > Fine motor skills > Miracle Sorter

Miracle Sorter


$0.19 Cashback

Miracle Sorter is a sorter game for the development of erudition and logical thinking.

There are 32 chips, 4 cards (exotic animals, flattering animals, marine inhabitants, geometric figures) in a wooden box-sorter.

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How to play?

1. Insert the card into the groove and sort the chips by throwing them into the corresponding hole.

2. Name and memorize animals, as well as the color and shape of geometric shapes.

3. Describe the characteristic features of animals (color, size, etc.).


– memory

– erudition

– logic

– fine motor skills

Chip Diameter: 2.8cm

Box size: 24x7x5cm.

Weight 17.5 oz
Dimensions 9.4 × 2.7 × 1.9 in
Toys by age

1+, 2+, 3+, 4+


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