Products > Toys > Montessori Wooden Educational Toys > Domino > Dominoes “Relationships”

Dominoes “Relationships”


$0.33 Cashback

Will be available soon

The developing game guide-domino is a card on which 2 colorful pictures are located. Domino cards are matched to each other based on certain associative relationships. Help the kid understand the principle by which cards are interconnected, for example: you need to pick a picture with an umbrella to the cloud, because it is raining from the clouds, put a picture with a glove next to your hand. When the child learns to make associative chains, invite him to write a story about what happened. Domino helps the development of associative and causal thinking, figurative memory and coherent speech. Playing with friends, your baby will create in an atmosphere of competition and excitement.

Weight 30.8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 2 in
Toys by age

2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+