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Domino “Sense organs”


$0.47 Cashback

The developing game guide-domino consists of 20 cards, each of which depicts an object or phenomenon and a baby pointing to one of the senses: eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

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Explain to the baby how to connect the pictures: attach a picture with a sniffing nose to a bouquet of flowers, because the flowers are sniffing, to the picture with a book – a baby pointing to his eyes, because they read through his eyes. Offer the child to lose in practice what is shown in the pictures, so it will be easier for him to understand his feelings, perception. Domino “Sense Organs” will help a child in a game form to develop not only logical thinking, attention and memory, skills of practical development and knowledge of the world, but also descriptive speech, vocabulary. In addition, the game with friends forms the skills of game communication, partnership.

Weight 47.5 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 2 in
Toys by age

2+, 3+, 4+, 5+