How to play?
1. We discuss the heroes. Read the fairy tale to the child, discuss the characters of the characters, their names.
2. We discuss houses. What were the pig houses built from? What can you call a straw house? (straw). What can you call a house made of wooden sticks? (wood). What can be called a house made of stones? (stone).
3. Respiratory gymnastics. Invite the baby to remember the moment when the wolf rushed after the pigs. Piglets ran to their houses. What did the wolf do? Offer the child to blow together (we inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth).
4. We study the tools. Consider with your kid the in-box tools. Discuss the name and purpose of these items (ax, key, saw, wheelbarrow, hammer).
5. We collect the whole of the parts. Invite your child to play with half-pictures. Focus on the concepts of “up” – “down”, “right” – “left”.