Why do Ethiopian children have no surnames, what do they eat for breakfast in Iceland and Morocco, and in which country can you find a floating school? This book contains unusual facts about the lives of children in different parts of the world – Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Holland. Everyone has their own customs and traditions, their own national dishes, costumes and holidays. This smart book will tell you what is common and different in children around the world, and will also teach you how to say “thank you” and “please” in many languages of the world in order to make friends with children from other countries. Readers from 5 years old who love the “I Explore the World” series, children’s encyclopedias and educational books will like it. It will be a wonderful gift for boys and girls by September 1, New Year and other holidays.
And how are you? What children around the world have in common and different / Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing
$0.25 CashbackCollection of unusual facts about the life and habits of children from different parts of the Earth.
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