Products > Books > Preschool education > Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Develop attention (4-5 years)

Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Develop attention (4-5 years)


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Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna Softcover 2019 60×90 / 8

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SKU: 49791 Categories: , ,

This book will help your baby develop visual perception and voluntary attention. Stimulate the child’s speech activity – talk with him during class. Let the baby talk more. In the process, ask him additional questions on the pictures. The child will be happy to share his impressions – he will tell you which tasks he found most difficult, what he liked the most and why. Praise your little student often. Your advice and support will add confidence to him in the future. Classes should take the form of complete trust and understanding. Sticking pictures will make the learning process not only an exciting activity, but also will develop fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Your baby may need your help. Find the right sticker with your child and help him stick it to the page.

Azbuka-Attikus; Makhaon

Weight 4.6 oz
Dimensions 3.6 × 2.4 in
