How to play?
1. Examine the mat with your child. Count all the fingers on your palms. Ask the child to show the right, left palm. Tell the child that each finger has its own name (large, index, middle, nameless, little finger). Discuss with your child what the names of the fingers mean.
2. Gymnastics for the fingers. Learn with your child the finger poems and nursery rhymes enclosed in the instructions.
3. The game “Obedient fingers” (contributes to the development of interhemispheric connections). Ask the child to place both hands on the hands of the rug, raise only the index fingers, then the middle or ring fingers. It is also possible to simultaneously squeeze and unclench palms, pound fingers together and in turn, at the same time rotate fists in and out.
4. Ordinal account. Invite the child to count all the fingers in order (first, second, third … etc.