Products > Books > Preschool education > Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Tests (2-3 years) (new cover)

Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Tests (2-3 years) (new cover)


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Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna Softcover 2014 84×108 / 16

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This book will help adults to check whether the level of development of the mental processes of a 2-3 year old child (sensory, memory, attention, thinking) meets the norm, check its potential in different areas of knowledge (mathematics, speech development, familiarity with the outside world), identify in which of them he succeeds, and which require additional attention. The proposed tasks will tell you how to prepare your baby for the next stage of training.

Azbuka-Attikus; Maсhaon