Products > Books > For curious children > The kid loves science. Quarki / Spiro R., p. 20, year 2019

The kid loves science. Quarki / Spiro R., p. 20, year 2019


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Small children are why they want to know everything. And that’s great! Adults only need to find the right words to explain.

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The Kid Loves Science books provide simple answers to tough questions and help children grow up curious and smart. The series is published with the support of ROSATOM. With care for the future, Rosatom annually implements hundreds of projects in the field of popularizing science and technology, because every child must develop. Rosatom is a corporation of knowledge! The kid builds a tower of cubes. And nature builds from quarks! Discover the world of quarks, atoms and molecules.

Weight 37 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 3 in

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