Products > Books > For curious children > Pull, push, twist, read. Fast cars, page 8, year 2020

Pull, push, twist, read. Fast cars, page 8, year 2020


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“Pull, Push, Twist, Read” is a hit series adored by millions of babies all over the world! Its total circulation in Russia has exceeded 300,000 copies.

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SKU: 4262 Category:

“Fast Cars” – a cardboard book with moving elements that are so adored by kids all over the world! While playing with it, your child will get acquainted with different types of transport, learn a few interesting facts about them and will be happy to memorize short, rhythmic and very funny poems. And the game “push-pull” on each spread will make the book “Fast Cars” one of your kid’s favorites!

Weight 37 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 3 in

1+, 2+, 3+