The child calls the picture-word, and then looks for the necessary syllables among the cards-syllables to make up the word shown in the picture. While the child is looking for the necessary syllables, he pronounces syllables aloud on other cards, thus memorizing additional letters and syllables. When all the syllables are found, ask your child to read the whole word. Pictures-tasks are given according to the principle from simple to complex, ranging from simple monosyllabic words to polysyllabic difficult words. All cards are made of thick cardboard in the form of puzzles and fit together. Syllables and individual letters are shown against a bright background, and illustrations are given on white so as not to distract the child’s attention.
Puzzles. Learning to read by syllables, page 40, year 2015
$0.24 CashbackThis set contains 39 double-sided puzzle cards. On the one hand, a picture-word is given, on the other, a syllable.
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