Products > Books > Poetry > Tolstoy L.N. Stories and fairy tales for children (ill. V. Kanivets), p. 120, year 2020

Tolstoy L.N. Stories and fairy tales for children (ill. V. Kanivets), p. 120, year 2020


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Tolstoy’s works are included in the compulsory and extracurricular reading program.

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The most complete collection of stories of the great classic for children – the book includes stories that were not published in Soviet times. More than 50 short and instructive stories, fables and fairy tales written for children by Leo Tolstoy and included in his famous “ABC”.

Weight 37 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 3 in

2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+