Products > Books > child development > Books – cardboard boxes. Fruits and vegetables, page 12, year 2016

Books – cardboard boxes. Fruits and vegetables, page 12, year 2016


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A convenient format book will acquaint the baby with a variety of vegetables and fruits. The child will carefully examine large pictures, comparing them with captions – names.

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Small books are made of thick cardboard, which does not undergo deformation and will keep the book intact for a long time. Illustrations are made with safe paints. The baby will be happy to play with the book, turning over its pages with his fingers.


– A book with large pictures of fruits and vegetables expands the horizons of the kid, as well as:

1. Introduces the child to the appearance of the fruit (shape and color of the object)

2. Introduces product names (sound perception, memory and imagination)

3. Trains fine motor skills of hands.

– The colorful design of the book improves the aesthetic perception of the child

– Rounded pages made of thick cardboard will not harm the child.

– The book is made of materials that are safe for the baby.

Weight 37 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 3 in

0+, 1+, 2+