Products > Books > Pedagogy > Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Develop attention (3-4 years)

Zemtsova Olga Nikolaevna – Develop attention (3-4 years)


$0.07 Cashback

O. N. Zemtsova Softcover 2019 60×90 / 8

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What books to choose for classes with the child? This question is answered by O.N. Zemtsova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Center for Preschool Development and Parenting, author of the series “Smart Books”: Today, kids choose stickers! After all, learning by playing is always more interesting! Sticker books enable the child to open up, show initiative, his own creative abilities. During the game, the baby is liberated, becomes more contact, his mood rises. Stickers help to activate visual, auditory and tactile perception, which means that the effectiveness of classes increases. The child learns to concentrate, his thinking and memory develop. Sticking pictures accustoms the child to accuracy. A series of books with stickers “Preschool mosaic” will help your child quickly and easily master the entire preschool program.

ABC-Atticus; Foreigner

Weight 4.6 oz
Dimensions 3.6 × 2.4 in
